1. Prune spring flowering shrubs. This is your last chance to prune your early blooming spring shrubs, like forsythia, lilac, and spirea. Waiting too long to prune (into late summer and early fall) will cause you to remove the buds and therefore, next year’s flower.
2. Cut back spring flowers. Cutting back perennials in early summer encourages new blooms and seasonal growth. Daylilies, salvia, columbine and roses love the deadheading attention.
3. Apply fungicide. With the humidity increasing your plants are more susceptible to fungus as the temperature and moisture levels rise.
4. Prepare for warm season weeds. As the average daily temperature continues to climb, cool season weeds will die out and warm season weeds will start to sprout. Plan your attack with herbicides, hand cultivation, and organic alternatives.
5. Apply PreEmerge. Before the warm season weeds establish, lay down your second application of PreEmergent.
6. Miracid application for acid loving plants. Rhododendrons and azaleas benefit from a Miracid drink in early summer. This promotes stronger roots and quicker blooms.
7. Continue vine training. Don’t let all your spring handwork go to waste; continue to keep vines on track to prevent end-of-summer tangled knots.
8. Monitor irrigation. Just because your timer worked great for May and June doesn’t mean you’re home free for the rest of summer. Keep an eye on your yard as the sunshine and moisture change throughout the summer season. If you don’t the grass may really be greener on the other side because your neighbors listened to this tip.
9. Fertilize. With such a wet spring, many soil nutrients were washed away. An early summer fertilizing will enrich your soil and give your plants the pick-me-up then need for the rest of the season.
Exciting! New plants in the garden! But wait....now what? How much water? When? Quick considerations before watering: Sun & Shade - Although most may say that shade gardens need less...
Spring fills us with wonder. Not in the ‘feeling of surprise mingled with admiration, caused by something beautiful’ kind of way. More along the lines of ‘what can I plant in my empty...